Strings declare define functions strlen strcpy strcmp stricmp strncmp strnicmp strstr strchr strtok strcat strncat \0 - null terminator 1,2,& 3 D arrays Declare initialize passing to functoins use nested for loops with them Find the address of a given element in an array Pointers - a variable that holds an address declare - char* p = NULL; p = strchr(string, 'A'); NULL - the address zero - used to mean that the pointer is not pointing at anyting useful if(p != NULL) Text Files define diferentiate with Binary Files Examples (.txt, .cpp, .html) Binary Files Examples (images, sound files, .exe) C++ File IO #include ofstream fout; ifstream fin; file handle - the variable used to access a file"c:\directory\junk.txt"); handle.close(); ofstream fout ("c:\directory\junk.txt"); fout.close(); fout << 234; fout << variable; fin >> variable; fin.getline(string,100); fin.get(string, 100); Read to the end of a file fin.eof(); CGI - Common Gateway Interface HTML - HyperText Markup Language URL - Uniform Resource Locator HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol POST Environment variable - CONTENT_LENGTH char* cl = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH"); when cl is NULL it must be a GET when cl is not NULL it must be a POST int i = atoi(cl); Read parameters from standard input cin.get(postData, i + 1); Format of the post Data name=value&OtherName=value&name3=value GET Environment variable - QUERY_STRING char* queryString = getenv("QUERY_STRING); Query string is passed from the web browser to the webServer as part of the URL. After a ? Format of the query String name=value&OtherName=value&name3=value #include #include using namespace std; void fun(int x) { cout << "you called void fun(int x)\n"; } void fun(int x[]) { cout << "you called void fun(int x[])\n"; } void fun(int x[][10]) { cout << "you called void fun(int x[][10])\n"; } void fun(int x[][5][10]) { cout << "you called void fun(int x[][5][10])\n"; } void main() { int i = 9; int A1[10]; int A2[5][10]; int A3[3][5][10]; fun(i); fun(A1); fun(A2); fun(A3); fun(A1[0]); fun(A2[0]); fun(A3[0]); fun(A2[0][0]); fun(A3[0][0]); fun(A3[0][0][0]); }